
Trustee | Elder | Deacon

Interested in Becoming a Trustee?

Please take a look below at the role a Trustee takes at Grace Commons. Then we ask that you prayerfully consider recommending yourself or someone you know to become a Trustee for the class of 2028.
recommendation form


To serve the Lord by maintaining a warm, friendly, safe facility for the congregation and to monitor the church’s financial conditions.


  1. A person of mature Christian faith.
  2. A covenant partner contributing (money, time, and talent) member of Grace Commons Church with regular worship attendance.
  3. An individual with skills related to business, maintenance of facilities, legal or financial affairs of the church.
  4. An individual called by God and elected by the congregation.


  1. Attend the monthly Board of Trustees meeting (fourth Thursday of each month).
  2. Commit to approximately 10-15 hours a month of service.
  3. If appointed, serve as the trustee representative on Trustee or Session committees.
  4. If assigned, serve on the Grace Commons Foundation Board.

Current Committees​

  • Budget
  • Congregational Nominating
  • Information Technology
  • Facilities
  • Personnel
  • Stewardship
  • Safety/Security


  1. The Board of Trustees is composed of nine members. Three trustees are elected each year for a three-year term.
  2. The Board of Trustees elects a president, vice president and secretary each year.
  3. The Board of Trustees advises Session and serves as a resource to the Business Administrator and Facilities Manager.
  4. The Board of Trustees has responsibility for:
  • Reviewing the annual audit
  • Reviewing necessary upgrades to the physical plant
  • Supervising new construction
  • Developing and administering adequate insurance for the church.
  • Overseeing technology upgrades
  • Advising the Session on the annual proposed budget
  • Reviewing staff prepared monthly financial statements
  • Reviewing legal documents, contracts, and policies held by Grace Commons Church.

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