
Trustee | Elder | Deacon

Interested in Becoming a Deacon?

Please take a look below at the role a deacon takes in the Grace Commons community. Then we ask that you prayerfully consider recommending yourself or someone you know to become a Deacon for the Class of 2028.
recommendation form


The purpose of a Grace Commons Church Deacon is to lead ministries that nurture fellowship and caregiving within and beyond the congregation.


The Deacons operate under the authority of the Session and typically have representatives attend session meetings. They are currently organized around three committees: Administration, Sunday Support and Congregational Care. The committee members then volunteer to serve in various groups or as an individual tasked in supporting the committee.

Current Committees​ & Groups

  • Moderator
  • Treasurer
  • Financial Assistance
  • Publicity
  • TED
  • Secretary
  • Marshall Fire Support (temporary team)
Sunday Support
  • Communion (preparation of the Lord's Supper)
  • Hospitality (volunteer help as door greeters, ushers, welcome center and coffee service)
  • Coffee Hour
  • Resources and referral support
  • Ushers
Congregational Care
  • Visitation of shut-ins/Hospital visits
  • Memorial support
  • Cards 
  • Stephen Ministers support
  • Care Groups
  • Medical device closet

Responsibilities of a Deacon

  • Attend monthly Deacon meetings (fourth Thursday of the month)
  • Attend annual Deacon retreat (typically in August)
  • Fulfill duties on a primary and secondary ministry committee for a three-year term
  • Assist with Sunday support tasks
  • Assist with communion, hospitality, and memorials

Each deacon is expected to serve on at least one of these committees according to individual interest and abilities. However, they are encouraged to serve on any group where they feel God's call. Deacons are elected for three-year terms. The time commitment to be a deacon will vary with the committee and group they are assigned but typically require 1O to 15 hours per month. They currently meet on the fourth Thursday of each month.

Qualifications to Serve as a Deacon

Qualifications for serving as a deacon include being a Covenant Partner who seeks to lead ministries that nurture fellowship and caregiving within and beyond the congregation.