Kathy Self

Accepting Scars

How much money and effort is put into covering up our scars, our lines, wrinkles, and all the many imperfections that truly make us human. The harder we try to hide our scars and lines, the more disjointed we actually become. As I accept all the lines and marks on my face, I realize that they are the visible calligraphy of my life. Yes, I have been wounded and broken, I have laughed and wept, and I have been healed. There is hope in embracing all the evidence of my life.

$1200 | Pastel On Paper | 20 x 82 in
Kathy Self

Requiem Window

This painting is about the smallness of our beginnings. It is a solemn offering of color and texture, created to honor all the babies that started their lives in the secret hiding place that is their mother's womb, but never saw the light of day. Part of being human is the cherishing of the next generation, that next little human with their very own DNA and fingerprints. If you have lost a baby, may your be comforted knowing that they are in Heaven, clothed with love, safe in their Maker's arms. To be human is to be treasured by God.

$1800 | Oil With Cold Wax & Silk On Canvs | 24 x 36 in

About the Artist

KATHY SELF believes that art is essential to the wellbeing of people; as we create we show the wonder of what it means to be human, to be made in God’s image. Through her painting Kathy seeks to reveal the inner beauty that is hidden deep within our soul, that secret place where we all carry God’s sacred fingerprint. Visual art is a way for her to bring beauty to those around her. It is an essential form of compassion; we need beauty to nurture the growth of our souls. Sometimes the growth is cathartic as art helps us to define our pain and sorrow, and then directs us toward the hope of healing our souls’ wounds.

EMAIL kathy@colorbrush.com INSTAGRAM @kdscolorbrush59 WEBSITE colorbrush.com

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