Trying to Find the Balance (Triptych)

Trying to find balance in life through your thoughts and emotions reflects decisions made by intertwining your brain and heart. Which one tips the scales of balance of you?

The Brain: influences us to follow our intellectual thoughts to make decisions of reason in our lives.

The Heart: influences us to follow our emotions and passion throughout our lives.

$5000 | Mixed Media on Canvas | 49 x 90 in

Meet the Artist

In the rural world of South Dakota, GARRETT LARSON was born on March 11, 1990. Living the majority of his adolescence on a farm, his imagination gained its freedom. As he entered into a new town and stage of his education, he knew what he wanted to focus his life on and pushed through high school in three years to pursue his goal of furthering himself in art. From there he transplanted himself into the urban city life of Denver, Colorado, where he pursued a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree at Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design. During his time there, he studied painting, sculpture, mixed media, printmaking and photography. His primary passion lies with printmaking and photography due to his love for street art, an interest that he continues to explore and share.


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