Galina Hitching

Breath Breathe Ruach

Without breath, we are not. For those who have experienced trauma, breath itself becomes terrifying. Breathing causes us to expand or contract, reaching out into space for connection or withdrawing in self protection. This is the space where we are seen and experienced at our most elemental and most vulnerable. Though breath is filled with life and strength, it exists as a tenuous and fragile thread to being. Like everything in the Kingdom of God, the Ruach invites us to embrace the paradox of being both limitless yet finite, strong yet fragile, autonomous but connected.

$500 | Mixed Media On Aquaboard | 11 x 14

About the Artist

GALINA HITCHING may have been born in Baltimore, Maryland, but she can’t tell you anything about the city. As the daughter of a retired missionary, she was blessed to be raised with a global mindset, despite growing up in South Dakota, Nebraska, and Florida. Consequently, she feels more comfortable in Hong Kong or Scotland than small-town America. Instead of pursuing her dreams of art, Galina took a gap-year that turned into two years of volunteering with nonprofits around the world. From there, she fell into seven years of writing for nonprofits and businesses. Today, she’s cast off the constraints of her communication degree and paints with fresh hope. Believing every experience in life comes for a reason, she combines her communication background with her personal faith to create paintings that spark conversation and connect with viewers on a spiritual and emotional level. Her watercolor and oil paintings explore grief and suffering, but remain anchored in light and the promise of transformation. Galina finds inspiration in nature and spiritual truths, with Hong Kong and the UK acting as visual anchors for her abstracted landscapes. Galina lives in Central Florida; when she’s not painting, you can find her facilitating trauma healing workshops or writing poetry.


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