Common Ground Hour

March 23, 2025

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The Common Ground hour takes place each Sunday from 9:30–10:15am, followed by 10:30am worship.

On March 2 come enjoy treats and connection together during Common Ground Fellowship in the Atrium beginning at 9:30am

Then on March 9, 16 & 23 will offer the following 9:30am Common Ground Experience classes and opportunities:

Kids' Ministry

9:30am Common Ground Kids
Kids infants–5th grade will worship, pray and spend time studying scripture in age appropriate classes in the Children's Wing.

10:30am Worship Care

  • Infants–Kindergarten care will be offered through the worship hour with snack, Bible story related activities and play.
  • 1st–5th graders will join their families for worship. Kids Bags full of fun activities about the monthly Bible theme will be available during worship.


Middle schoolers and high schoolers will meet at 9:30am in their respective Student spaces (first floor and second floor). At 9:35am they will walk with leaders/staff to the following locations:

  • Middle school girls & guys: Bitty & Beau's
  • High school guys: OZO Coffee, east Pearl
  • High school girls: Suti & Co.

Student Ministry will cover treats and drinks.  Groups will walk back to Grace Commons at 10:15am.

If you arrive to Grace Commons past 9:35am, please meet the group at the specified location.


Meet up at the Annex Third Floor Living Room with the Annex Family during Common Grounds for a light breakfast, community and discussion around living as a disciple of Jesus. This is a great time to get connected. 

Adult Education

Following Jesus Together, with Topher Fox & Heidi Potter in Westminster Hall

Not unlike the original twelve disciples, we’re a motley, eclectic crew trying to follow Jesus together as he takes us on the journey of a lifetime. During this four-session course, we will explore what it means to be an apprentice of Christ Jesus and to live in healthy Christian community. We strive to achieve this by deepening our faith, listening and being guided by the Holy Spirit, learning about discipleship essentials, strengthening our relational connections, and being Kingdom-focused for the benefit of others.

Drawing Near to the Heart of God, with Carl Hofmann in Oerter Hall

Understanding God's justice for the flourishing of all. Led by Carl Hofmann and the Grace Commons Biblical Justice Ministry, this 3-week course will aim at growing in us a heart of discipleship while pursuing biblical justice.


Praying Together, 9:30-10am, in the Fallout (aka. the lower level)

Join the Prayer Ministry and intercede for the church, her ministries and the day's worship service. Each Sunday we hear from a ministry or about a topic. Lift up the next generation as we pray for students, families or young adults. Seek justice and mercy as we pray for outreach, service and missions. Support our leaders and congregation through seasons, decisions and formation.

We would also love to find a place to plug you in as a volunteer during the 9:30am Common Ground hour. If you are interested in helping out with one of our ministries, please contact Lindsay Waymire at

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