Volunteer with Us

Over the past 40 years, Doorways has offered opportunities for English practice in a welcoming and safe environment for women who are visitors to the US, immigrants and refugees.

We hope you will join our community! Contact us for more information.

A Brief History of Doorways

In 1981, a group of women from Grace Commons Church founded Doorways in response to a growing number of international women expressing a need to learn English and find community. These women often felt isolated, spoke little English and felt lost in an unfamiliar culture without the support network that they were used to in their home cultures. As more and more women came to the Boulder area, a response became necessary. That response was based on Jesus’ words to his disciples just days before his death:

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me. I was sick and you looked after me. I was in prison and you came to visit me. Matthew 25:35-36

Over the past 40 years, Doorways has served to teach English with excellence and provide a welcoming and safe environment for visitors, immigrants and refugees to learn English. As we celebrate our past and grow into the future, Doorways’ aim is to continue to mold and adapt as His Spirit leads us, by both being a welcoming place for women who are both new and lonely in our midst, and by providing an opportunity for them to continue to grow in their English studies. Our heart is to provide excellent teaching, outreach, and friendships, so that we may become a vibrant community that images His Kingdom on earth, here in Boulder.

Ways to Volunteer with Us

Doorways holds classes at Grace Commons Church on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:30-11:30am. We often are looking for volunteers to help us during these times, but we also have other events during the year that fall on other days and times. Please inquire for more information, we'd love to have you join us!

Current Ways to Volunteer

  • Adopt-a-Family: have a student and her family over for a meal or coffee in your home once a semester.
  • Join a Conversation Table: lead or participate in a conversation table with the students. No experience is necessary, training provided and you can come as often or little as you like during the semester.
  • Come help at an event: we always are looking for help with event planning, hosting, preparation and logistics.
  • Help with our hospitality team during tea time: join a lovely team of women who help provide refreshments and conversation with the students.
  • Help with administrative tasks: throughout the year and during class days we are always looking for help greeting, providing logistical support and technology help.

Contact DoorwaysVounteer Application
contact us
303.402.6400 | Doorways@gracecommons.org | 1820 15th Street, Boulder, CO 80302
contact us

303.746.0388 | Doorways@gracecommons.org. | 1820 15th Street, Boulder, CO 80302

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