
Connecting through common grace in Jesus.

Connect with other men of all ages as together we seek to be transformed by God’s love and better reflect him in our daily lives.

Men’s Life at Night

Mondays (Apr 14–My 19) | 6:45pm | Oerter Hall

Our topic for the six weeks will be the Armor of God from Ephesians 6. Our evenings together will be very similar to the morning version of Men's Life and consist of a short teaching time followed by small group break-outs for discussion. Light snacks and refreshments will be served.

For those who have been unable to attend Men's Life in the mornings this is a great opportunity to experience what Men's Life is all about!

Registration is FREE—but helpful in letting us know you are coming.

Questions? Contact Jeff Gagliardi


Men’s Life Morning Fellowship

Tuesdays (Oct-Mar) | 6am | Oerter Hall

Men of all ages are welcome to join us for Men's Life, where we share breakfast, a brief study in God’s Word, small groups and fellowship.

Questions? Contact Jeff Gagliardi

Men at Work

Ongoing throughout the calendar year

A great way to make new friends while serving God and community through volunteer opportunities.

Contact Jeff Gagliardi

get to know us

We would love to hear from you. Let us know how we can help.

Lindsay Waymire

Director of Spiritual Formation & Discipleship

Jeff Gagliardi

Director of Men's Ministry